Sunday, January 18, 2009

An Introduction, Welcome to Sage Advice

Welcome to Sage Advice, my little blog of kitchen witchery! If you have landed on this page, you are interested in taking control and making some positive changes in your life. When I say, taking control, I mean taking control of YOU. We cannot control other people. If you had hoped to learn how to control another person, then maybe you should visit another page. However, if you are ready to work some magick in your own kitchen, for healthy and positive reasons, read on!

Kitchen witchery is practiced intentionally and unintentionally. What do I mean by that? Simply put, some purposely cast spells for the greatest good right from the sacred space of their own kitchen. Others have been doing it all along, in varying degrees, and have never even heard the phrase, kitchen witchery. For example, think of eating comfort food when you are under the weather. When I was little and suffering from some nasty ailment, my mother would make homemade potato soup so that I would feel better more quickly – she did not make this particular soup at any other time. What were the ingredients? Obviously, potatoes. This root veggie, represented by the element of Earth (of course!) and ruled by the Moon, have significant healing and protective properties. Potatoes can be used in sympathetic magick as well – perfect for a poppet. Now, combine the ingredients of the soup with (1) my mother’s love and her desire to make me well, (2) the energy she put into the cooking task, maybe a little humming or singing as she blended the (3) ingredients, and there’s a fine example of unintentional kitchen witchery.

I do want to address right up front using magick does not mean that you never have to do any work! In fact, some of the most adept and successful magick practitioners work the hardest. But, this does not have to be unnaturally difficult. In fact, the "work" should come easy – it shouldn’t feel like work. But, you will have to put in the time, energy, and dedication to becoming an adept kitchen witch. You will have to study, do a little research, and practice, practice, practice. Sometimes, things will come easily and move beautifully. Other times, you might have to begin anew to achieve your intended purpose.

And lastly, life is wonderful in that there are no guarantees, that there is no absolute destiny that you must adhere to. As the old adage says, you are the author of your own fate. Magick can help you get to where you want to be, but ultimately it is YOU who affects the way your life will unfold.

So, my fellow kitchen witch, it’s time to roll up those sleeves, don your magickal apron, and pick up your wooden spoon. (It’s your kitchen wand, you know!) With a little help from Sage Advice, you are going to start cooking up some magick!

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